SA8000® is a voluntary standard for social compliance that demonstrates the company’s commitment to a humane working environment. Adhering to the standard will help to:
- reduce risks
- enhance the reputation of the brand
- meet customer requirements
- improve supplier relationships
- create better labor conditions and a safer work environment
- provide clear and credible assurance for ethical purchasing decisions
ALPI Suisse has undertaken the certification process according to the SA 8000: 2014 standard. The company has already completed registration on the international Fingerprint Social Data Base and SAI Training Center. SA8000 certification is recognized all over the world and involves the development and verification of management systems that promote socially advantageous working activities for the organization and for the entire supply chain, in terms of improvement in the management of business risks.
The SA8000 standard concerns the sphere of Social Responsibility with regard to the conditions of workers and workers' rights, non-discrimination, work of minors and young people. Its requirements extend to the entire chain of suppliers and sub-suppliers.
For the certification, ALPI Suisse turned to the SQS Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems which is the leading organization in Switzerland in the provision of certification and evaluation services. The activity will be carried out in collaboration with the Corporate Security of Albini & Pitigliani SpA which supports the Group in the implementation of quality and safety standards.